Training on sustainability

The Ethos Foundation offers pension fund representatives (boards of trustees, management and investment committees) the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of socially responsible investment (SRI) and sustainable finance through different training options.

Pension beneficiaries are increasingly expecting their pension funds to invest their pension assets in sustainable and responsible investment solutions. However, taking account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in investment decisions requires in-depth knowledge on the part of pension representatives.

In order to provide them with support in this area, Ethos offers a broad education platform on sustainability and SRI. This modular organisation allows participants to learn at their own pace, according to their needs and prior knowledge.

A comprehensive education platform



This basic module is available as an e-learning course.

  • Duration : approx. 2 hours. 

This module is an introduction to the basic concepts of SRI and sustainability, one of the most frequently mentioned topics in the media today. With this module, we aim to explain the fundamental principles of sustainability, highlight the urgency of the current situation and remove potential barriers that prevent us from acting more decisively and effectively.


  • Understand the challenges of sustainability ;
  • Own up to our respective responsibilities;
  • Identify different actionable measures, particularly for institutional investors.

This module is free of charge. It is aimed at anyone interested in sustainability and seeking to promote sustainable development in a meaningful and holistic way, whatever their professional or personal activity. 



This foundation course is available  as an e-learning programme.

  • It comprises five different modules : Sustainability, Fiduciary duty, Regulatory developments, Investment decisions, Active ownership. 
  • Duration of the e-learning programme : approx. 5 hours.

This foundation course enables pension representatives and investment teams to understand the levers available to them to align portfolios with sustainability objectives and to use their influence to promote sustainable development.


  • Be familiar with the principles of SRI and how to apply them ;
  • Be familiar with the principles of institutional investors' fiduciary duty ;
  • Understand regulatory developments in the field of sustainable finance ;
  • Understand the different SRI approaches and the added value of ESG analysis in investment decisions ;
  • Know the various active ownership methods and their effectiveness in different contexts. 



  • The online training programme also includes a library of more advanced e-learning modules on specific SRI topics. 
  • These modules are organized in different categories related to developments in SRI: emerging ESG topics,  new regulations, new initiatives, new tools.
  • The continuing education library includes an evolving and growing number of ‘micro-learning’ modules.
  • Duration of e-learning modules : approx. 40 minutes each.

These e-learning modules are designed to ensure that pensions professionals stay informed and at the forefront of constant and rapid developments in sustainable finance. They are developed according to the specific needs of investment professionals and their areas of interest. For example, they include briefings on recent events (COP, Swiss Stewardship Code, etc.) and in-depth modules on specific topics (climate strategies, digital responsibility, biodiversity, etc.). 

This library is regularly updated to reflect the various developments in the field of SRI.


  • Become familiar with the key concepts and issues relating to specific topics and understand their importance in the broader context of sustainable development ;
  • Understand the relevance of these issues and their implications for investors ;
  • Understand the levers available to investors to promote best practices amongst companies and across the investment industry. 


The education platform developed by Ethos also includes webinars with recognised experts on specific topics, to provide a better understanding of the challenges linked to certain ESG issues, as well as the possibility to organize workshops for pension funds wishing to go further in implementing SRI practices.

Our prices

A. The basic module INTRODUCTION TO SUSTAINABILITY (online training) :

  • Free of charge.

B. SUSTAINABLE FINANCE FUNDAMENTALS basic course (online training) :

  • CHF 400.- per person (gives access to the five modules of the basic course). 
  • Members of the Ethos Foundation benefit from preferential rates.

C. CONTINUING EDUCATION (online training) :

  • Subscription of CHF 300 per person (gives access to all the advanced ‘micro-learning’ modules for a period of one year).
  • Members of the Ethos Foundation benefit from a preferential rate.

D. WEBINARS & WORKSHOPS (face-to-face training) :

  • Webinars are free of charge.
  • Workshops are chargeable (rates depend on the number of participants and the specific needs of the organisation). 
  • When registering for an online training course for a group of more than 12 people, Ethos Foundation members benefit from a free face-to-face workshop within their organisation.

*All prices are exclusive of VAT.